Dorothy's Return

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NOTE: This spoiler was submitted by Megan

The opening begins as it shows a tornado with the opening credits that tell of the actors providing the voices to the movie with an item that represents their characters before the title "Legend of Oz Dorothy's Return" appears as it fades to black. The beginning scene opens to Emerald City, Dorothy's old friends ScareCrow, Tin Man, and Cowardly Lion head to the Rainbow Mover (ScareCrow's Invention) to summon Dorothy to Oz. The Wicked Witch's broom has been stolen and Flying Monkeys are on the loose. As the Tin Man and Lion hold the door closed from the monkeys, the Scarecrow begins to send a message to Dorothy.

Back in Kansas, Dorothy awakes in her home to see the damage done to her farmland as she gets dressed and heads outside to where Aunt Em and Uncle Henry are examining the surroundings. The damage is beyond repair so they have to move, but Dorothy refuses to give up their home-it can be fixed. Just then a pink car comes driving down the path toward their home as the Appraiser with his lackey come to survey their home. He inspects, even pushes a support beam to make it look like it'll fall and thus condemns the house as he gives the Gales until sundown to move out. As he leaves, Dorothy refuses to give up her home and tries her best to fix things up (Cue song: World turns upside down) and after a few failed attempts, explores her town watching as people leave before heading up the hill. As she views her town-thunder roars in the distance as she turns around seeing a rainbow, yet it was beginning to turn and was heading toward her!

Dorothy runs back to her house and tries to take shelter, but is scooped up with Toto into the rainbow and within it holographic images of her friends appear as the Scarecrow tries to tell Dorothy of what's going on, but the message is cut short when the Flying Monkeys on their end break loose and had to retreat outside so they wouldn't be seen. Dorothy is then dropped in Oz with Toto as she is determined to get to Emerald City to help her friends. Meanwhile at the Jester's castle, Glinda is captured and confronted by the Jester who wields his sister's broomstick with a stolen orb that helps to control its power. The Jester has captured important people of Oz and has them encased in glass cases and their minds under his control-just like puppets! Glinda warns Jester that Dorothy would stop him, yet he isn't threaten for he has magic to beat her! The Jester then uses a spell to turn Glinda into a puppet and encases her in a glass case.

The Jester uses the glass orb (His wicked sister's crystal ball) to locate Dorothy and uses a spell to change the signs of Candy County that she was approaching so to keep her busy. Meanwhile Dorothy and Toto meet Wiser a huge owl who can't fly (he used to long ago, but can't due to size) and he helps them on their quest by pointing the way to find the Yellow Brick Road that'll lead to Emerald City. They come across Candy County and see the signs say "Eat all you want" and they go candy craze to enjoy the sweets (Song: Candy), yet they are soon arrested by Marshal Mallow and his troops and taken to court.

Judge Jawbreaker assumes them guilty even though they didn't know of the magical spell that made the signs change, yet he sentences them to death since eating candy is a high crime (Seen on a candy corn poster of crimes). As their names are given, the court gasped at Dorothy Gale-the Witch Slayer, thus they are dismissed of charges. Marshal Mallow apologies for earlier and worries of General Candy Apple's whereabouts, Dorothy invites him to come along with them to Emerald City.

Their journey takes them to Dainty China Country where they must get through to get to Emerald City, yet the guard doesn't allow them for he tells that the China Princess can give permission and at the moment is looking for suitors. Dorothy volunteers Marshal Mallow to be a suitor and they are allows in. (Song: China Princess)-The Princess is disgusted at each suitor from size, boredom, and cracks, but when Marshal Mallow is next he sings sweetly to her that makes her fall for him. Suddenly the palace begins to shake as the ceiling begins to crack as the China Princess almost falls, but Marshal Mallow catches her as everyone heads outside.

The city is in ruins, people are cracked and it isn't looking good. China Princess tells Dorothy and her friends that the Jester is responsible for the quakes on her kingdom, yet when she figures who he could be mad at for the cause of her land she blames Dorothy even though she knows nothing of the Jester. As Dorothy pleads with China Princess to let them through, she surveys her surroundings seeing her people in trouble and thus has a change of heart and allows them to pass, but she is coming with them.

As the group heads off to Emerald City, back at the Jester's Palace the Tin Man, Lion and Scarecrow are captured and are in the clutches of the Jester who tells them of his painful story of his curse and how he desired his sister's power before he chains them up in torture chambers (Lion-cage, Scarecrow-spinwheel with fire, Tin Man-Tank of water) (Song: Jester).

Dorothy and her friends come across a broken bridge with no way to get across to the other side. The only option they have is building a boat out of wood, but the trees aren't very friendly to that idea and pelt them with apples because one identified Dorothy as the one who picked apples off one of her Uncles. Yet when all hope seemed lost, an old tree named Tugg offers himself to become a boat to them. (Song: Work with me) The gang begin building a boat with help from mice and beavers and in no time at all a mighty vessel was built and they set sail for Emerald City.

They arrive in Emerald City and go inside the castle where they find the machine. Dorothy plays the message left by Scarecrow about how Oz is being taken over by Jester and she must stop him. Suddenly a burst of green smoke appears as the Jester taunts Dorothy before unleashing his monkeys on them. They retreat back to the boat and sail off while avoiding the monkeys and fighting back against them before going into a cave to lose them. Inside they are surrounded by fireflies that guide them on their way, but when it came to a fork in the path-they go right, ONLY To find it was a trap by the Jester! They were heading straight toward a waterfall! Part of the ship almost hits Marshal Mallow, but Princess stops it by grabbing the rope. The ship falls down the waterfall and reopens to the gang on the shore, all but the China Princess are all right. She is broken into pieces. Dorothy, not wanting her friends to get hurt, decides to go off alone to face the Jester.

Marshal stays with China Princess as Wiser goes for help (He sums up the courage to take flight and he is able to fly!). (Song: Even then) Marshal begins to repair China as Dorothy goes off to face the Jester. The two loves share a duet when China Princess is restored. Dorothy soon arrives at the Jester's castle where a welcome mat is rolled out for her and it slips her and Toto inside. They are soon greeted by a Puppet Glinda and the puppets of the leaders who dance as they praise the Jester. The Jester confronts Dorothy as he expresses his gratitude for her for killing his sister and as he boasts, Toto bites the rope as the curtain falls on the Jester and the monkey as Dorothy runs to her friends Tin Man, Scarecrow and Lion who awake as they were happy to see her.

The head monkey runs off with the scepter as Jester gives chase with Dorothy and crew following behind them. The monkey uses the scepter to get back his wings and the Jester and Dorothy struggle to get him to give either of them the Scepter. The Scarecrow uses Tin Man's arm to knock the Scepter out of the monkey's hands, yet the stumble causes Dorothy to fall-Only for Wiser to save her in time! As the Jester struggles to get the fallen orb back on the scepter, a battle between good and evil began against Dorothy's Friends vs Flying Monkeys. They defeat the monkeys just as the Jester regains his orb and conquers a tornado to suck Dorothy in! Dorothy heads up to the tower as she confronts the Jester by grabbing the scepter and a green glow spreads across the land breaking the spell! Glinda and the leaders return to normal and back on the roof, The Jester is almost sucked into the tornado if it wasn't for Dorothy grabbing his arm. He seems grateful for her rescue, but when he offers her to rule-she breaks the orb and throws the broom into the cyclone with him jumping in after it!

Peace was restored and friends rejoice-even Glinda who thanks Dorothy for saving Oz again. Glinda uses a spell to send Dorothy home, but not before saying goodbye to her friends. Dorothy and Toto are whisked back to Oz just as it was sundown. Dorothy knew exactly what to do to save her town! With her relatives they head to town to confront the Appraiser as she tells the town that they can't pack up for they can still repair their home! Just as it got a tiny bit hairy, Dorothy got the Appraiser's wallet and showed it to the office-showing different IDS-The APPRAISER was a con man! He is then arrested and everyone rips off the eviction notices.

The credits show the town repairing things and fixing it up just like new with Dorothy's help (One Day). And the rest of the credits show art of Land of Oz (Song: World upside down reprise). They lived happily ever after

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